1985 TV news report: Police charm offensive in Hackney

Another new upload to the excellent dorlec01 YouTube channel.

This short report covers a lot of ground – the background of the killing of Colin Roach in Stoke Newington Police Station, Hackney teacher Blair Peach being killed by police at an anti-fascist demonstration and of course the general racism and brutality of police in Hackney at the time.

These factors lead to the Hackney Teachers’ Association calling for the Police to be excluded from schools. Their position is summarised in the extremely convincing Police Out of School document which is also available on this site. As you can hear in the report, their proposals were taken up by 18 (about a third) of Hackney’s schools.

The lack of an acknowledgement from police representatives of the deep seated issues in their own force is troubling, but perhaps not surprising: “what has happened to us in the past – is in the past. We must look to the future”.

It’s hard to say in retrospect whether people actually believed that cops spending time disco dancing with kids whose older brothers and sisters still faced daily racism would achieve anything or whether it was a PR stunt. But we do know that serious police brutality and corruption in Hackney continued well into the 1990s.

The Real World War 1

Some friends and comrades have started work on an initiative to put forward a radical history of the first world war.

There is (inevitably) a blog http://therealww1.wordpress.com/ including a very good “about” page and reading list.

Other activities are planned…

If I get time I will try to put something together on the war and Hackney – any suggestions or contributions would be welcome.


Haggerston Food Co-Op opposes market forces, 1973

An incredible short documentary about a food co-op providing cheap food to estate residents – and being opposed by local shopkeepers.
Note the copy of Hackney Peoples’ Press on the wall at the 6:57 mark.

The dorlec01 Youtube Channel has a bunch of material of interest, which I’ll return to soon I think!


Radical History Network meeting February 12th 2014


Jazz agers, beatniks, mods & rockers, hippies, punks, ravers, riot girrls, revolting students, 2011 rioters and other youth-influenced movements here and abroad – what did they do to challenge the establishment and to put forward alternatives, and what can we learn from them today?

Wednesday February 12th
7.30pm, Wood Green Social Club
3 Stuart Crescent, N22 5NJ (off the High Rd, near Wood Green tube).

All welcome to come and share experiences, anecdotes, photos, archive material and general thoughts…

Note: Future discussions proposed include:
* Political policing and surveillance, and resistance to it.
* The 1983-4 miners’ strike – 30 years on
* Decent homes for all
* Radical childcare
* Resistance to World War One


“Breaking Ground” showing at The Rio, 23rd Feb


Breaking Ground is a documentary film about the London Irish Women’s Centre which was based on Stoke Newington Church street from the eighties until 2012.

I’ve previously covered the film here (including a trailer).

It is showing at The Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High Street E8 2PB at 11:00am, Sunday 23rd February.

Tickets are £6.50/£5.00 and can be bought online direct from The Rio.